Housing and Residence Life FAQs
Learn more about where you live
Before you arrive on campus, we want you to know the ins and outs of our residence halls. Often times, students don't always realize all the amenities they have available to them and have a wide variety of questions to ask before moving away from home. It's important for us that you feel comfortable and at ease even before you walk onto campus and become a Blugold. Below you'll find frequently asked questions and general hall information.
Frequently Asked Questions
All rooms have modular furniture. Each student has his/her own bed, desk, desk chair and chest of drawers. Only University-provided bed loft systems are allowed in residence hall rooms. All furniture must stay in the rooms.
Click here for more info.
Beds in the residence halls can be lofted and bunked. Depending on the hall students live in there may be different styles of bed frames. There are beds with tall ladder (bed ends) and short ladders. For the tall ladders, the metal bed frame can be adjusted at multiple heights on the ladder. For the short ladders, the metal bed frame can be adjusted at multiple heights on the ladder, however, to loft the bed, a second short ladder is needed. The second short ladder will sit into a set of pins on top of the first short ladder. A set of clips are provided to secure the ladders in place. The metal bed frame is then able to be adjusted to a taller height on the stacked, short ladders.
Beds will be lofted when students arrive*. If a student wants to change the height of the loft or bunk the beds, they can do that at any time. It takes 2 people and a rubber mallet. You can bring your own mallet or check one out at the front desk. Any bed parts not being used must stay in the room throughout the school year.
*Beds will not be automatically lofted in Chancellors, Haymarket, or Aspenson Mogensen Halls.
Tutorial Video
Yes! UW-EC’s student organization, Residence Hall Association (RHA), provides the opportunity to rent a MicroChill unit through http://www.collegeproducts.com/store/uwec/
*Note: A room assignment is needed to place an order.
Yes, vacuums can be checked out from the front desk when the front desk is open. Students will scan a QR code to check out and to return the vacuum.
The heating system on campus is run by the heating plant on upper campus. The heating plant provides the steam that is sent out to the buildings and on to the individual rooms. The heat is only on during the times of the year when there are consistently cool/cold temperatures. During the fall semester, once there are consistently cool temperatures, the heat will be turned on. Once the heat is turned on, the heat will be on throughout the rest of the heating season. In the spring semester, when there are consistently warm temperatures, the heat will be turned off. There is no specific date for when the heat is turned on or off for the season. This entirely depends on the weather forecast which will be monitored by our Facilities staff before a decision is made.
Air Conditioning (Chancellors, Suites, and Towers Halls)
The Air Conditioning system on campus is run through the campus chillers. The chillers provide the cooling that is sent out to the buildings and on to the individual rooms. The campus chillers are only on during the times of the year when there are consistently warm temperatures. During the fall semester, once there are consistently cool temperatures, the chillers will be turned off. Once turned off, there will be no air conditioning provided to the buildings. In the spring semester, when there are consistently warm temperatures, the chillers will be turned on. There is no specific date for when the chillers are turned on or off. This entirely depends on the weather forecast which will be monitored by our Facilities staff before a decision is made.
Haymarket Landing, Aspenson Mogensen, and The Priory also have air conditioning, but are off campus locations controlled by a different system.
Housing and Residence Life only offers cable TV within certain lounges in buildings, but is not offered in individual rooms.
TV-10 is a student-run television station whose movies and programs can be streamed by UW-EC students.
There is wireless Internet access throughout the Residence Halls. There is also a mobile print station in each residence hall.
Wireless Internet
Connect your wireless device that you'll use across campus (phone, tablet, laptop, watch) to the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 network. You will need your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 username and password to initially connect. You will use this network all over campus, including the residence halls.
For other devices such as some gaming consoles, Smart TVs and other non-standard devices that you cannot authenticate to the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 network, use the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金reshall network. You will need to first register your device's Wireless MAC (hardware) address at the My Devices Portal in order to connect to this network.
Troubleshooting Tips
- Make sure you are registering the device's Wireless MAC address and not it's Ethernet/LAN MAC address.
- Make sure your device is using DHCP and its Default MAC Address setting.
All devices need their network setting set to use/enable DHCP.
Some devices, including many Smart TV's, have a Network-Privacy setting option set to "Use Randomized MAC Address". This must be disabled in order to connect to the network. - Campus Wireless Information: http://kb.paulytheprayingpup.com/articles/services-wireless-network
- Campus Technology: http://kb.paulytheprayingpup.com/articles/orientation-technology-introduction
- Need help finding your MAC Address? Find your MAC Address
Wired Internet
If you require a physical Ethernet port to be activated in your room for use with a desktop, gaming console, Smart TV's, etc., please submit a port activation form request below. Note: Ethernet cables are not supplied nor are for sale within Housing and Residence Life.
NOTE: If your room has a wireless access point (white box) installed on the wall, you may not use the LAN ports that are on this device for wired, Ethernet access. They are not configured to work.
Wired connectivity is very limited and please know that device activation will be prioritized for those with academic needs first. Only one (1) requested one Port Activation for a wired connection is allowed per student.
Since port activations are very limited throughout the Residence Halls, if approved, your request will be completed within 48-72 business hours (Monday-Friday) upon approval. At the beginning of the semester we are very busy so these requests may take even longer.
There are currently no port activations available at Priory Hall.
Haymarket Landing has most all Ethernet ports already activated in 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 student rooms, so there is no need to submit a request form.
Port Activation Form
What NOT to bring
Personal printers
We recommend that residents do not bring their own printer. They take up a lot of space, and WiFi printers can interrupt our wireless service. Each of our residence halls have a mobile print station that can be accessed at any time. If you do bring a printer, please turn off its wireless capacity and use a cord to physically connect your computer and printer.
Smart/“Internet of Things” (IoT) devices/Personal Routers
Our WiFi network can support many devices however some types of smart/IoT devices designed for home network use will not work, (such as smart lightbulbs, Chromecasts, digital assistants like Google, Alexa, some Roku's and more). Due to the rapidly growing number of devices, Housing and Residence Life does not have a list of specific devices that are not supported on our network.
Personal routers should not be brought into the residence halls due to security risks it can introduce to the school's networking environment.
Small fish and Mollusks are the only pets permitted in residence halls, with a maximum tank capacity of up to ten (10) gallons. The presence of dogs, cats, and other pets is prohibited in all University buildings at all times except as approved through the Services for Students with Disabilities Office and/or the Director of Housing.
If there is a facilities issue in a student room or apartment, please fill out a work order in your Housing Portal. Please choose your bedspace and then provide a detailed description of the issue in your room. Please include your contact information and any requests about the repair. Your work request will be sent to Housing and then on to the correct location to resolve the issue.
Our staff will come to your room to address the issue. Unless it is an urgent repair, most repair work will be done between 9 am and 3 pm. Our staff will knock and announce themselves when they arrive at the room. If no answer is received, staff will knock and announce themselves again before entering the room to repair the issue. Filling out the work order gives our staff permission to enter the area to address the issue.
As you are selecting your preferences in your Housing contract, an option for Towers and Bridgman is a Chem Free Double. This is a regular double room located in a wing/floor community where students of any age are not allowed to have any alcohol/tobacco products or any other forms of substance in their rooms at any time.
- If you already know who you want to request as your roommate or you find someone on the roommate finder/Facebook page, one individual may invite the other individual to a roommate group within the housing contract @ My Housing Portal. The other individual then must accept the invitation to make a mutual roommate group.
- If you want to search for a roommate among other incoming students, the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Housing + Residence Life is excited to offer a Roommate Finder functionality within your My Housing Portal.
- Yes, you should contact your roommate as soon as possible. Email and telephone information for your roommate(s) is included with your room assignment information at My Housing Portal. You should discuss what each of you is planning to bring so you don’t have duplicate items. Social media can present an inadequate picture of a person, so it is a good idea to contact them.
- Once you receive your assignment via your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 email and/or mailer to home address in early June, you should contract your roommate as soon as possible
Don’t worry! Having an upper class roommate can be very beneficial. They know many of the “ins and outs” of the university and can be very helpful in navigating campus life.
- For fall term students, this means either you currently do not have an assigned roommate but may get one at any time. Or, you may be assigned with an international student. International students are assigned in July or beginning of August.
- For new spring semester students, this generally means you currently do not have a roommate but may get one at any time.
- Please continue to check your roommate information for updates. Read the International Roommate Guide as you prepare.
澳门葡京网赌送彩金 has instituted a security system. Please click on this link for more information – Residence Hall Access.
On Campus Residence Halls
Letter Mail: All Letter mail is delivered to and sorted at the Towers Front Desk. Residence hall students can pick up their letter mail from the Towers Front Desk when open. Towers residents are issued keys to their mailbox to check their own mail. All other on campus residence hall students will ask the Towers Desk worker to check their mail. Notifications will be sent out if letter mail is not picked up in a timely manner.
Outgoing mail is picked up from the Towers Front Desk when USPS delivers.
Packages: All packages are delivered to and sorted at the Towers Front Desk. Residence hall students can pick up their packages from the Towers Front Desk when open. An email will be sent to residence hall students to notify them once a package has been logged into our package system. A University ID must be shown to pick up a package.
Off Campus Residence Halls
Letter Mail: Residence Hall students living in Haymarket Landing and Aspenson Mogensen can retrieve letter mail from their mailboxes in their halls. Students will be issued mail keys for access to their mailboxes.
Packages: Residence Hall students living in Haymarket Landing and Aspenson Mogensen will have packages delivered directly to the buildings by mail carriers (USPS, UPS, Fed Ex, Amazon). An email will be sent to residence hall students to notify them once a package has been logged into our package system. A University ID must be shown to pick up a package. They will be able to pick up the package from the front desk in their hall.
Residence Hall students living in Priory Hall will have packages delivered by housing staff to the Priory. These residents should anticipate up to a 1 business day delay from delivery from Towers to availability for pick up at the Priory. An email will be sent to Priory Hall students to notify them once a package has been logged into our package system and ready for pick up at the Priory.
Our mail staff takes great care to make sure packages are logged quickly and correctly. If you have an issue with a missing package, please contact the Towers Front Desk in person or by phone (715-855-4727.)
We also work closely with mail delivery companies to make sure items are delivered correctly. There may be times where items are delivered to the wrong location or may not follow our mail delivery procedures. We address those issues with the delivery companies when they arise.
For best results with all mail and packages, please make sure you are using the correct mailing address and use the recipient’s full name. Please do not use nicknames or abbreviations that won’t match our records.
How To Address Mail
Haymarket Landing
Student's Name
[Room Number] Haymarket Landing
220 Eau Claire Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Aspenson Mogensen
Student's Name
[Room Number] Aspenson Mogensen
222 Water Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
All other Residence Halls
Student’s Name
[Room Number] and Building Name
642 University Dr
Eau Claire, WI 54701
The University offers an on-campus mail service. No postage is necessary for this service. Mail will only be delivered to campus addresses. The campus mail service offers pick-up and delivery services to Towers Hall as well as various locations around campus Monday through Friday.
Want to buy stamps? Please visit the Service Desk in Davies Center.
Each residence hall has a quiet study area. Quiet hours start at 10:00 p.m. The library is also within walking distance.
Most wings have 3-4 showers in each bathroom. About 30-35 residents share these showers. All showers are individual stalls.
Each residence hall has several washers and dryers that are free of charge. You need to bring your own high efficiency detergent. In most halls, you’ll need to bring your Blugold ID with you to activate the machines.
Alcohol is not permitted in the residence halls unless you are 21 years of age or older. Students 21 or older may consume alcoholic beverages in their room. There are several floors that are designated as chemical free where alcohol is not permitted, regardless of age.
Yes, but pictures, pennants, posters and other decorations should be attached to bulletin boards only. The use of tacks, nails, or masking/duct tape on walls, doors, ceilings or floors is prohibited. Painters tape may be used with care on walls. Electric lights should be kept away from bulletin boards and other flammable materials such as crepe paper because of the danger of fire. Students are responsible for any damages caused from the removal of tape or other adhesives, such as command strips, they used on the wall.
The original design of walls, ceilings and floors may not be covered. Rugs on the floor are permitted. If bringing carpet, a 12' x 15' piece is recommended. University furniture may not be removed from the room at any time. If a person is injured because of a change or modification made by a student to his or her room or furnishings, the University cannot be held liable
The Residence Hall Coeducational Judicial Board (or J-Board) has jurisdiction on matters pertaining to violations of existing rules and regulations within or around the residence halls. The J-Board functions not as a court of law, but rather as a body to review alleged violations of University and/or residence hall rules and regulations.
All residence halls remain open to continuing students during break periods such as Fall, Winter, and Spring Break. There is no cost during these breaks, but students do need to register to stay in their housing portal.
All campus parking is managed by Blugold Central. Watch your email for more information from this office on how to secure a parking pass.
More information or questions contact Blugold Central at 715-836-3000 or blugoldcentral@paulytheprayingpup.com
Detailed information and instructions about the move-in process are provided after room selection concludes. For further details, you can visit our Move In page.
The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire offers a College Care Package program through SWAKU. Provide a variety of care packages, including snack packages and custom packages that cater to different dietary needs. Purchases support Residence Hall initiatives and include free delivery for students in residence halls. For more information or to place an order, visit the UW-Eau Claire College Care Packages page.
Family Weekend is a Housing and Residence Life sponsored weekend that occurs during the middle of fall each year. It is a great time for parents and family members to visit campus and participate in fun programs. More information will be mailed when the time comes.
Housing Events
For additional details, please visit the Parking & Transportation section on our website.
New Fall Term Residents
Yes! Welcome week for new freshmen starts on move-in day and continues through the first day of classes in September. It is comprised of multiple events for students to participate in. This is a great time to meet new people and fully experience college life when first arriving on campus!
For more information click here.
New Spring Term Residents
Watch for spring semester activities occur the first week of class. There are many campus happenings. But also watch for details within your hall.
- Assignments are run based on housing contract submit date.
- If you have a mutual roommate group request, then the assignment will be based on the student with the earliest housing contract submit date.
- Assignment process includes two rounds:
- Round 1: Students who preference and are selected for an assignment within a Living Learning Community or with an international roommate, will receive assignment completed by Housing in contract submit day order in early June.
- Round 2: In mid-June, any student remaining without an assignment after round 1 will then be eligible for room self-selection with selection occurring in application submit date order. If student has a preferred roommate, the student may pull in this roommate to the room during selection as long as they have established a mutual roommate group.
Students and roommates (if applicable) selected for living-learning communities or international roommates will be notified via email beginning of June.
The remaining students will then participate in room self-selection occurring in mid-June.
Yes. Students live on campus in their first and second years unless exempt. You can read more about the policy here.
If your student meets the qualifications to be exempt from this policy, they will need to submit a Residency Exemption Request Form.